China Trademark Registration

Protect your valuable assets in China by applying for a Chinese trademark.

With our flat fee trademark search and application service we focuse on delivering quality legal services at a reasonable flat fee. We use industry-leading trademark search tools and you can rely on the experience of attorneys that have registered more than 4,000 trademarks. If you have any questions please contact us.

  • Over 4000 successful trademark registrations
  • Highly specialised trademark attorneys
  • Flat fee prices with no hidden costs

Trademark Search & Registration Package

  • Consultation Time by an Expert Trademark Lawyer
  • Advice on the protectability of your brand
  • Developing a Trademark Strategy to correctly identify goods and services
  • Drafting and Filing of Application
  • Sending Registration Certificate

*plus VAT and Trademark Office Fees. 

How it Works:

STEP 1: Complete our order form and pay the flat legal fee.

STEP 2: Within 4 business days, we will complete your comprehensive trademark search and e-mail you the results.

STEP 3: We will provide you with a phone consultation regarding the results of your trademark search and answer any other questions relating to your application.

STEP 4: We draft your application and send it for your final review.

STEP 5: We file your trademark application at which time you will pay the official filing fee to the trademark office, which is always $50 for one class of goods/services (and $50 for all subsequent classes).

What’s included:

Telephone consultation with a trademark expert attorney regarding the search results and your application.

Drafting and filing of your trademark application.

Tracking of your application once filed with the trademark office.

Mailing your trademark registration certificate upon receipt from the trademark office.

Apply here.

  • This can be the name of an individual or a company. If a company will own the trademark, please indicate if it is a corporation, LLC or other.
  • We may contact you with important information and deadlines and a receipt of this application will also be emailed to you.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 15 MB.
  • Please describe the product(s) or service(s) that the trademark will represent.
    Generally we will complete your comprehensive trademark search within 4 business days and file the application after our telephone consultation regarding the search results.
  • 0,00 €
    We will send you a link for processing the online payment.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.