We love trademarks
We protect your most valuable Asset
Managing complex brand portfolios has been one of our core competencies for over 16 years. ZIERHUT IP. is one of the law firms with the highest number of national and European trademark applications. We manage numerous international portfolios and maintain a comprehensive network of global agents.
We have many years of experience in registering trademarks, including research and monitoring. For example, we represent in opposition and nullity proceedings against bad faith applicants before the Trademark Offices and the Boards of Appeal of the European Intellectual Property Office.
We have a sophisticated system for monitoring trademarks and we can prevent conflicting trademark become registered by regularly tracking trademark applications published for opposition. We have the know-how to take the necessary steps to fully protect the brands of our clients.
Caring for brands often involves the need for legal enforcement of trademark rights. Due to our international orientation, one of our core competencies is the coordination of cross-border brand disputes. We have extensive litigation experience before German courts but also internationally, for example in the USA and China.
We Search – We Analyze – We Enforce Your Rights
1. Preservation of Evidence
By tracking activities and collecting evidence through online and real marketplaces, web shops and social media, we are able to identify the top infringers and deliquents. In addition, we identify their physical contact addresses and identify responsible persons and their complices.
2. Mystery Shopping
To confirm or identify suspicions, we conduct test purchases, including the collection of evidence and discrete examinations by our partners worldwide.
3. Individual Solutions
We offer only customized solutions. Because there are no patent recipes.
We defend your rights direct at the borders
We fight Product Piracy
For over 15 years we give advice in the fight against product piracy. As one of the pioneers in this field, we set up border seizure for our clients and work with customs and mobile task forces and law enforcement agencies.
At the Borders
Our cooperation with the European Union Customs Authorities is one of the most effective weapons to ensure the frontline enforcement of your rights at the borders of the EU. This is where we come in the game. Thanks to the information we provide, customs authorities can more easily identify those imports of goods suspected of infringing intellectual property rights and take the necessary immediate action.
This results in border control procedures, searches and seizures. We have been involved in numerous Border Control proceedings over the last 15 years and successfully represented in investigations involving a diverse range of technologies, including car parts as wheels and structural body parts and bumpers and suspension parts, clothing, electronics, tires to name a few.
Undistorted Competition
Competition law aims to ensure free and undistorted competition so that the consumer can make an informed decision. In practice, misleading advertising and product counterfeiting are the subject of disputes.
Competition law has been a focus of our legal counseling practice for over 16 years. We pursue competition violations of your competitors and also advise and defend against warnings for alleged anti-competitive behavior by your competitors or so-called “competition associations” and the Wettbewerbszentrale.
Competitive judicial disputes can often be avoided in advance. We also assist our clients in all questions of competition law in the context of warnings, preliminary injunctions and legal action.
We negotiate Licenses
Intellectual property licensing and other types of intellectual property transactions are crucial in today’s global business world. We have over 16 years of experience handling a wide variety of licensing and transactional matters involving all types of intellectual property in all types of industries and in all corners of the world.
Our experience includes Assignments, Confidentiality and non-confidentiality agreements. Due diligence in connection with mergers, acquisitions, Joint ventures, Licensing
We have a variety of legal, business and technical backgrounds and are adept at negotiating, drafting and closing deals on patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and all other forms of intellectual property. Whether the client is a start-up company eager to secure the proprietary rights on which to build a business or a major corporation managing a huge portfolio of technology agreements, we have the expertise to handle any type of IP transaction.
Z I E R H U T * I P
Experts for Global Brand Protection
With unparalleled experience we defend the valueable brands of our clients on all marketplaces worldwide using a combination of our very efficient algorithms that identify IP infringements, an unique brand protection strategy, our close collaboration with customs, investigating authorities and the state task forces and our network of local agents.