

Online Enforcement Success Rate on all major maketplaces all over the world


Site investigations, inspections and test purchases in more than 107 countries


We work closely with Customs in more than 97 countries around the world

The Challenge

When counterfeits started appearing in regional bride shops GALIA LAHAV knew it was not only a threat to sales and to their retailers, but also a danger to their reputation.

The Solution

That’s when they decided it was time to start working with Z I E R H U T * I P .

The Result

Working with Z I E R H U T * I P , GALIA LAHAV has been to tackle the problem head-on. For GALIA LAHAV the ROI was clear: eliminating copycats with Z I E R H U T * I P has meant an 100% effectiveness rate in Germany.


Crafting luxury apparel for over three decades. GALIA LAHAV produces pristine couture fashion, made uniquely to the wearer’s physique, as each is custom and each hand sewnto every intricate beaded detail. The brand GALIA LAHAV apparel is kwon around the world..

Couture Wedding Dresses and Luxury Apparel

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“Z I E R H U T * I P  can very efficiently prevent copycats exploit our brand. So, it just makes sense”

E. Wolber,
Regional Managing Director

Want to know how we can work for you?